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Another news blog…


Hello Guys,

As the summer draws to a close, and the darker evenings start creeping in on us, Autumns brings with it a time of change. None more so here at the WotC. In light (no pun intended) of BNL’s success, and with our first game nearing completion (more news on this later in the post) thoughts have been turning to the future. Already there is a shiny new 8 core desktop PC waiting to be assembled to take on the role of main development PC, and there is talk of expanding our stable of test devices to include an iPhone 7+ and a Galaxy Note 7! We are also hoping to get a Mac and an iOS developer licence so we can finally start releasing on iPhones 😀


Best QR has been updated! As well as the usual DMGT improvements/bug fixes, we have added a very handy new ‘Share’ button when you encode/decode a QR. This allows you to send your image/text to any other app on your device which can make use of it! It makes it a lot easier to upload QR’s to cloud drives, or to use the decoded text in a word processor

The updated version of Percentage Resoltion Tool is currently undergoing the final stages of Beta testing. There are no new features, it’s purely bug fixes and template improvements

For those who didn’t know, PRT is tool which can convert pixel values to percentages and back, it’s very handy for AGK coders who work in the percentage system

BQR and PRT are both available to download, for free, from the Google Play Store

Coming Soon

As I mentioned earlier in the post, we are only days away from fixing all the bugs in the beta test version of Colour Name Quiz Advance.

CNQA is our first game to be published. It’s a fairly straight forward quiz game with two types of question, two game modes and three levels of difficulty. There is also an abundance of trophies to collect and share with your facebook buddies

There will be more news on this as it happens


And that is the end of this post. All the latest news concerning upcoming and existing titles will be posted here, so keep checking back. Also please don’t forget to Like our page on Facebook!

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