Hello world,
I’d like to start this post by wishing you a happy new year! It seems like the holidays were a long time ago now, everything is returning to the usual routines. We’re all back and hard at work after a lovely couple of weeks off.
The new year for me is a time to think about what the coming year is going to bring. For us here at the Warriors of the Cucumber, 2017 is going to be our biggest year yet! We are sure our next game release will be a huge success for a number of reasons; firstly it’s incredibly playable (or at least the early pre release builds are), secondly we’re planning to release it on Android, iOS and Facebook; so it’s going to be available to the largest audience yet! And thirdly, there is going to be lots of publicity and the like, merchandise and a competition to win some fairly cool prizes. We also have a few other new projects on the planning board, which may see release in the coming year. More news on these though later in the year.
So whats in this months update? Without further ado, here’s the latest…
First off, the website has had a tiny little bit of a makeover. The home page has been updated a bit to make it more interesting and informative, a few of the other pages have been improved, notably the ‘about us’ section which now includes a brief history of the Warriors of the Cucumber. There is now a contact form on the ‘Contact Us’ page which makes it a whole load easier if you want to get in touch with us.
Unfortunately whilst performing the update it was necessary to take the website offline for a few hours, but it was soon back up and running 🙂
Over the last month or two a few bugs have been discovered in some of our apps. We will be addressing these in the upcoming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for updates!
Although a great many bugs are discovered by our team of beta testers before release, unfortunately one or two always manage to sneak past us. Which is why it’s so great that you guys are so forthcoming with bug reports and suggestions.
We usually try and fix important bugs as soon as they crop up. Minor bugs are added to the list and when there is enough of them we’ll have a bug squashing session like this one.
I was lucky enough to have a quick chat with Rick Vanner from The Game Creators the other day. Rick is one of the founders of the company and is something of a celebrity to us.
We have used TGC’s programing languages for well over a decade, and without the support of the developers and the TGC community we wouldn’t have been able to do half the stuff we have.
During our chat, Rick was interested in what we had achieved with AGK, and was impressed with our list of titles and how well they were performing.
The highlight of the conversation had to be the bit where Rick said he had only yesterday been playing Colour Name Quiz Advance, and how it was a unique game.
If you are interested in easy to use and feature rich game development software then you should check out the TGC website >here<
The final piece of news this month is our acquisition of an Emoonland VR Headset. After spending several hours watching 3D videos of the solar system and massive underwater vistas populated by fish of all shapes and size, and of course the obligatory roller coaster ride.
The supplied PicoVR software store is in Chinese, which was a bit of a disappointment but since its mostly for development purposes, its not the end of the world.
The potential for game play with it is staggering, although there is an awful lot of research and experimentation to be done beforehand. I’d like to see something like Space Invaders of Missile Command done in a Virtual Reality environment
Augmented Reality is another potential use of the VR headset, it has a window on the front to allow the devices camera to be used to display the users surroundings on screen. Already there has been experiments done towards making a Colour Blindness simulator.
More news as it happens 🙂
And that brings us to the end of this post. It’s been a bit quiet on the development front this post because of the Christmas holidays, and the website update taking a little longer than planned, but rest assured that there will be lots of details of current and future projects in the next one!
Until the next time!